Feeding The Body And The Soul
In Matthew Chapter 25, Verses 31-40, Jesus uses a story to explain His requirements for us to help unfortunate people by giving the hungry food; the thirsty drink and clothing to the unclothed:
The King will reply, Truly I tell you whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. – Matthew 25:40
Some see us simply as a food kitchen. But we consider Feed by Faith a ministry because our purpose is based on the Word of God and comes from the heart. We believe that what we do is a calling that fulfills Matthew 25:40.
Anyone who walks through our doors is given a hot meal, a safe and secure place to eat. No one is turned away who is hungry…whether it be hungry for food or hungry for God.
From September 2022 to August 2023, we served over 85,444 individuals at 3401 5th Street in Meridian. We are able to do this only through the generosity of faithful supporters like you who are willing to give back to their community.
Feed by Faith is supported with donations from individuals, churches and businesses. Our donations are both monitary gifts and food products to support our endeavor. Feed by Faith feeds homeless or low-income residents and we know that God will provide the food when our cupboards are empty.